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Sand Creations is a Student Group Created by APIIT Sri-Lanka Undergraduates Students

Sand Creations Proudly represent Sri-Lanka in Imagine Cup 2009 Semi Finals

Monday, July 13, 2009

Our Final submission to Imagine Cup 2009


This Short Film shows how Technology can act on garbage disposal and ties up with the green productivity concept in order to save the environment.

The story starts with a view on the sea, in a normal sunny day. Then the sight is set to a person, who stares at the sea and he starts walking to a bench to sit and enjoy the view. He then sits and takes a plastic bottle and a cup and starts drinking while looking at the sea. He finishes his drink, and throws the bottle and cup on to the sand. He walks away from the place where he threw the bottle and the cup, but suddenly he gets a text message to his phone saying that to remove the bottle and the cup immediately. He goes back and gets the bottle and the cup. He throws it to a recycle bin nearby, and then it starts its process of recycling the substance